Next up on our list of book transcriptions is Marked by P.C. and Kristen Cast! A mother daughter team, if I remember correctly, wrote this wonderful series about vampires, deities and evil incarnate! I had seen these books around for a while before actually checking one out to read. I was personally avoiding it because I thought it was going to be a trashy vampiric romance kind of book, but I was proven wrong. I had come to enjoy the House of Night series immensely and had kept up with it to a point. Now let's move on to the review! Warning, there will be spoilers, I was not really a spoiler-free child.
September 23, 2011
After a Vampire Tracker Marks her with a crescent moon on her forehead, 16-year-old Zoey Redbird enters the House of Night and learns that she is no average fledgling. She has been Marked as special by the vampyre Goddess Nyx and has affinities for all five elements: Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit. But she is not the only fledgling at the House of Night with special powers. When she discovers that the leader of the Dark Daughters, the school’s most elite club, is misusing her Goddess-given gifts, Zoey must look deep within herself for the courage to embrace her destiny—with a little help from her new vampyre friends (or Nerd Herd, as Aphrodite calls them).
Alright, so... her... and this isn't like the kind of imprinting like you see in Twilight... this imprinting is not any... Twilight soulmate and stuff. This imprinting, she does on her ex-boyfriend, Heath. When she imprints on him, it's... she, when she tastes his blood... it makes him... that's why it's forbidden to drink human blood for these vampires, it makes them imprint on the humans. It's also... possible for an adult vampire to imprint with a fledgling vampire.
In the book... there's this guy... Eric Knight, who... falls in love with Zoey. I think they become a couple in the second book, I don't really remember, I read the first two books... I'm on the third one, I'm starting the third one, but I haven't read them in over a year, so... Since last school year... so I don't really remember...
Her family, ever since... three years ago her mom married this guy, John... her life has been... upside, Zoey's. Now, Zoey's mom follows John around like a lost little puppy. When Zoey goes to the House of Night, and John "disowns," John abandons her at the House of Night because of their ways 'cause he is a... part of the People of Faith... this community thing that like God and everything. So, when they go to visit... visitation... you have it once a month, I think, and family members come and visit their fledgling vampire children... and they see the kids... John completely abandons her there and Zoey was hoping her mom would... would help Zoey... Zoey thought her mom would help her, but she didn't, she just followed John, like a lost little puppy. Like she abandoned her own daughter there! What kind of mother does that?!
The other girl, leader of he Dark Daughters, was named Aphrodite. When you go into the House of Night, you can change your name and all that. Aphrodite, she could... see visions of the future, like Alice, she totally like blacks out and everything. And she can see the visions of the future.
At the end of the book... she made these new friends: Stevie Rae, this western girl; Eric Knight, the one she's gonna fall in love with... there is a whole website around this, Damien is the gay guy, seriously, he's actually gay... there are these girls call "The Twins", Shawnie and Colie or something like that, they aren't actually twins but they act so much alike that their nicknames are "The Twins." Heath! Heath tempted... Zoey with his blood. He literally tried to get her to suck it... He's kind of like stalking her now. At the beginning of the book he tries to help... he tried to get Zoey out of the House of Night and then during the "escape" Zoey's best friend, human best friend when she was human, abandoned her 'cause she was different now...
I honestly cannot wait to reread this series because I stopped reading by book nine, waiting for the next book to release and I ended up forgetting all about the release of it. So, I ended up tappering off but now the main series is complete and there is a sequel series along with side stories that I am excited to read. So, be on the lookout for the updated review of that! Thanks for reading my cringe, the link to the video of this review will be below so be sure to check it out!
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