Kiss Him, Not Me! is a ridiculously hilarious anime about this girl, Serinuma Kae, who went through a dramatic physical change in her appearance, completely by accident, drawing the attentions of several guys. Fact of the matter is Kae is a fujoshi, a girl who likes BL or boys' love. She would much rather watch boys get together and in a relationship instead of being in one herself.
Drawing the attention of all these boys is out of Kae's comfort zone, and such she doesn't know what to do with herself except go along for the ride...
Kae is a major fujoshi and otaku, someone who loves manga and anime, and is a little on the bigger side of things. She has one friend A-chan, who shares the fujoshi life with her. One day in gym class, Kae gets body slammed by Nanashima Nozomu while playing basketball. Igarashi Yusuke, Nanashima's best friend, comes over to help them out and Kae is taken to the infirmary where Shinomiya Hayato is introduced, a kouhai, an underclassman, who treats Kae coldly and is also on the health committee with her. Also Mutsumi Asuma, Kae's senpai, upperclassman, in the History Club, appears, seeing her leave the infirmary and is concerned for her.

When Kae gets home, the new episode of Miracle Saga airs, an anime that she obsessed with, mostly because of Shion, the blonde character above. In the episode, Shion dies! It causes such a shock to Kae that she ends up staying home from school for several days without eating, just holed up in her room. Finally, enough is enough and her mother gets her older brother to break into her room to get Kae out and what they see shocks them into silence and paralyzation. Kae does actually get up out of bed and heads to the bathroom, looking into the mirror and freaks out! She doesn't even look like herself anymore!

Kae ends up going to school and everyone is dazzled by her appearance, although no one has been able to recognize her just yet. Kae goes to A-chan and tackles her, apologizing for not answering since her phone was broken and A-chan is able to recognize her from her voice! Everyone in the classroom is shocked and she gains the attention of Igarashi and Nanashima, who causes Kae to burst into tears because Nanashima looks like Shion and she hasn't gotten over his death. She runs out and bumps into Shinomiya who doesn't recognize her and takes her to the infirmary where Mutsumi-senpai is and he is able to recognize her right away which shocks Shinomiya due to her identity.

Throughout the series, the four boys are vying for Kae's affection and attention while trying to get with her. They do all soon find out that Kae is an otaku and are all slightly alright with it. Later on, there comes a new competitor for Kae's love, Nishina Shima, a female kouhai who fell for Kae even before her huge transformation. Soon enough, their hijinks together have them all become friends of sorts, despite all of them, except for Mutsumi-senpai, compete for Kae.
By the end, all of them seriously confess their feelings to Kae and she chooses Shion! The character from Miracle Saga, which had announced they were having a second season. She doesn't give them a real answer and that's how it ends.
This short lived anime is an absolute joy and I only wish that there were more episodes. In all honesty, I think that Kae ending up with Shima or Mutsumi-senpai would be the best for her. They weren't judgmental about her looks from the beginning and even if the other three came to love Kae for her personality and not just for her looks, there was a lot of body shaming that happened from when she was big.

Shima fell for her when Kae was big and Mutsumi-senpai was always kind to her no matter what. I personally am cheering for those two. I haven't yet read the manga, but when I do, I hope that there will be a definite answer on who Kae chooses and falls in love with.
I recommend this anime to those who want to watch something lighthearted and squeal inducing. It is a very fun anime that is extremely enjoyable, and free to watch on Cruncyroll if I may add, I can say that I very much enjoyed it myself!

Now here are just some pictures of Kae's true nature that I wasn't able to drop in this post:

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