Friday, July 23, 2021

Book: A Baby for the Lumberjacks by Chloe Kent (A Baby for Them #1)

A Baby for the Lumberjacks by Chloe Kent is the first of a supposedly trashy romance trilogy. Fortunately for me this was not the case. Well... it was a little trashy, but not completely. This book revolves around a girl, Saffron Sinclair, your typical looking punk girl with various tattoos, piercings, thigh high heeled boots, short skimpy skirt and red streaks through her black hair. Her father, Alan Sinclair, is a gambling addict and her older sister, Marigold, is an artist while their mother passed away five years ago. 

With the debts Alan had acquired, he was putting himself and his family in danger. But then he makes a deal with the devil that saves his skin but puts his daughters over the flames...