This book we are going to be discussing this week is one of my absolute favorites when I was a teenager going through my emo/scene phase. Kissed by an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler is about this girl, Ivy, who fully believes in angels, despite being a teenager. Her boyfriend, Tristan, supports her, from what I remember, until he dies. After his death, Ivy is completely heartbroken and loses her faith in angels, only for the irony that Tristan came back as her guardian angel! He tries to reach out to her, but her faith in angels is nearly completely gone! What is he to do?
This book is an omnibus, a collection of more than one novel bound into one. This particular one collects the first three books in the series: Kissed by an Angel, Power of Love, and Soulmates, so you can go bananas and read through half of the series, considering that there are only six books in total. Personally, I need to reread this, I never had the chance of finishing the series in my younger years because I couldn't find the rest of the series at my libraries, the local one and my school. Now, with me having a Kindle, hopefully I'll be able to purchase the book and read it on my own.
Now let us go back in time, back nine years, to when young me was just starting to review books! Also, spoilers ahead, I was not a spoiler-free child.
September 13, 2011
A love beyond life...a danger beyond doubt.
When her boyfriend, Tristan, died, Ivy thought she’d lost everything, even her faith in angels. But now she’s discovered that he’s her guardian angel—his presence so strong that she can feel the touch of his hand, the beat of his heart. Ivy needs Tristan now more than ever because he knows she’s in terrible danger. Only Ivy’s guardian angel can save her now that his killer is after her.
But if Tristan rescues Ivy, his mission on earth will be finished, and he must leave her behind forever. Will saving Ivy mean losing her just when he’s finally reached her again?
It's kind of like a tragic romance? 'Cause like... in the beginning, Tristan... aka Ivy's boyfriend, dies in a car accident. But it wasn't just an accident, somebody set it up, 'cause Ivy was supposed to be the one that died, not Tristan... This guy, Gregory, his dad remarried Ivy's mom. Gregory and Ivy become step siblings with Ivy's little brother, Phillip... Gregory never liked Ivy so he cut the fuel brakes on the car, so that they would get in the accident. He was gonna try to kill Ivy but he didn't.
Later on in the story, Gregory tries all these attempts of killing Ivy but none of them have worked 'cause Tristan was an angel, like in the way. There's this new guy named... I forget this name! He falls in love with Ivy... yadda yadda yadda we know yadda yadda yadda comes back... Anyway... and they--- well, they get together in the end, there's another book to this called Evermore. But anyway, back to the story! Her friends and family start to think she's going insane when she talks about Tristan and angels again. 'Cause she lost her faith in angels when Tristan died 'cause she thought if angels were there watching out for them--- for her and them--- they would've saved him, so she lost all trust in angels and when he's an angel, she doesn't believe them--- believe him. 'Cause he tries to communicate through her friends, and like, she gets all pissed off whenever they mention Tristan as an angel and all that.
So yeah, anyway... Tristan, when he's an angel, he befriends this other angel who helps him with like stuff. With the angel world and all that... so... Oh yeah! She was a singer that died like two years before but she neve-- she didn't go up to heaven yet. I won't tell you what happens to Gregory and all that... so... actually I will.
Gregory gets arrested 'cause he now became an insane killer so... yeah... In the end, it's all happy, Tristan goes up to Heaven and... oh yeah! The new guy's name is Will, that she falls in love with. Tristan trusts Will to take care of Ivy so... I haven't read the book Evermore yet. I want to but I'm going to see if they have it at my school's library.
Sorry, that was random... phone... Anyway, so this is a really good book, I give this a 9.5 because I really loved it. I love love love loved it! It's one of the few boo-- usually I'm not picky about books but I like-like supernatural stuff like this, like dark supernatural stuff. Like vampires and werewolves. Usually I'm not picky with my stories so even if it is dark and supernatural, I might just think it's "eh."
Anyway, this-- I will try to read Nightsbane 'cause I've been distracted with school lately so... Anyway, I'm in the middle of reading The Stone Child by Dan Poblocki. Poblocki? That's a weird name. Anyway, I will give you a review after I'm done this 'cause like I just started and like I'm almost near the half of the book. So, I will read that, finish that. I will do more book reviews that I have already read, I remember the plot and everything, so I can give you a good book review. So... I guess I'll see you guys later. Bye!
Gosh, watching these videos and hearing my young self talk about books is so cringey to me! I love books and I love talking about books, but I apparently couldn't speak intelligently about books without an "um" here and there and a lot of "anyways" in sequential succession.
Thanks so much for reading and down below is a link to my cringey videos if you want to watch the original video this review is from! I have a whole channel that spans nearly ten years with over 100 reviews! I know in my sophomore year of high school I read at least 60 novels, not including all the manga I read, just the novels in a ten month time span. Hope you come back next week for these book transcriptions!
Book Review: Kissed by an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler *VIDEO*
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