This critically acclaimed film, Mirai by Hosoda Mamoru, has caught my eye for a while now. There are many people who love this film to the point that it has ended up on Netflix! Time for me to see why it is so popular!
Four-year-old Kun has a mother and a father, who is an architect. Kun has a new baby sister and has to learn how to deal with her being in his life now that it's not just him anymore. Throughout the film, we get to see Kun making choices and decisions and certain events that change his outlook on his younger sibling, even if it's just for a little while.
First the films starts off showing everything with pictures: Kun's mother's pregnancy with him, the development of their house, that Kun's father designs, and more. Soon, Kun is already four and playing in his playroom, waiting for his parents to come home from the hospital with his grandmother. They arrive and with them is his new baby sister, who they name Mirai, meaning "future." First, he is happy to have a baby sister, talking to her about all the things he can show her when she gets bigger.
But, as time goes on and his parents have all their attention on Mirai, he gets jealous and has major tantrums. After one such tantrum, he goes into the yard and meets a humanized Yukko, their dog, who tells him the story of how he used to have all the attention too, before Kun came along. Kun then takes off Yukko's tail and becomes Yukko! Running around and such, and when he is normal again, he tells his parents about all the things Yukko complained about so that they can remedy it.

Soon, Kun's mother starts going to work again and his father becomes a stay-at-home-dad. He doesn't do too well as he can barely do any of the housework! Girls' Day rolls around and traditional dolls are set up to wish Mirai good luck. After the holiday ends, Kun's dad is instructed to put away the dolls otherwise for every day the dolls are still out, one more year is added on until Mirai is able to marry! Kun's dad neglects to put them away and Mirai from the future comes to have Kun put them away for her. She doesn't want to have to wait to get married. She enlists the help of Yukko too and the three of them get the dolls put away without their dad even knowing.

As the film continues, Kun still acts like an absolute brat at times and he either gets sent to the past or some other fantastical event happens that is similar or relevant to the events that happen to cause his tantrums. Somehow though, all of the magical phenomena that happens is connected to the tree in their yard.
Finally, one last event occurs, which has Kun save Mirai, finally admitting that he is Mirai's big brother. Then future Mirai shows up and takes Kun home. Mirai explains that the oak tree in their yard is an index of their whole family tree, recording events and family members, which explains why the time travelling phenomenons kept happening, showing Kun certain events in his family's lives, trying to help him as he is young and impressionable. These events help him see that family is important despite having originally disliked Mirai.

Mirai is actually a very nice film. I enjoyed it a lot despite Kun just whining and crying every few minutes. Those parts weren't all that pleasant in the slightest and it happened so often that in the first half of the film I seriously considered stopping. But I decided to give the film a chance and continued to watch and it got better. The ending I felt was really impactful and was the favourite scene for me. I really disliked Kun crying and whining so much though, that will never change, but this is definitely a good movie and I do recommend for you to watch this in your spare time.

Thank you all for continuing your support and I hope to have you guys continue to read my posts! Comment down below and let me know what I should watch next! See ya!

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