Friday, January 1, 2021

Updates to the blog!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you guys will enjoy 2021 better than what 2020 turned out to be. Here's to hoping that this year will be better than the last! I know that I haven't really done this for the holidays before, but personally I'm not too keen on holidays. But a new year, the passage of time, that is something I find remarkable. 

There will be a major update to the blog! Posts will be released three times a week! And the frequency will be biweekly instead of once a week, weekly like how I've been doing. I thought it would be best considering all the content that I have ranging from anime reviews all the way to book reviews and all the stuff in between. So, come the anniversary, February 2nd, this scheduling change will be implemented.

So here is how the schedule is going to play out, the first and third Sundays will be mangas and animes, first and third Tuesdays will be comparisons or book transcriptions and K-Dramas or book transcriptions and the first and third Fridays will be books and TV shows. 

The reason I have book transcriptions on Tuesdays as an option because for comparisons I would need to watch and read both of a title and I have to make sure that it is a title I have reviewed previously, both the screen and its paper counterpart. The comparisons will not be a full review of the series, just comparing how the paper got portrayed on the screen, so those will take more time to get out. Also, I don't watch as many K-Dramas as I would like, evidently I only have one review of a K-Drama as of right now on this blog.

There is also the fact that for book review Fridays, I want them to be books I have recently read, books I read after creating this blog. In addition, light novels will share the Friday slot with the books due to them also being books but are just categorized differently. Light novels are typically shorter than usual novels, but not as short as a novella, because they are used to try and lure young kids into reading more. Also, the light novels sometimes spawn anime and manga, like how TV shows are made based off of books. If I used up the Friday slots for my transcriptions of my old reviews, it would take years for all of them to be transferred and I really would like them finished soon. Heck, I may do book transcriptions every week on Tuesdays, I'm not too sure yet. I will be rereading most of the books from way back in the day and have an updated review, but not before posting my old one. It will help me see how I've grown as a person and how I see these books now with who I am today rather than who I was all those years ago. So, Tuesdays may be mostly book transcriptions with bits of K-Drama and comparison posts thrown in there, I don't know yet, we will see how it goes. 

The schedule will look something like this, I really don't know if I will be doing book transcriptions every week, which is why the text is in red, but everything else will be released as pictured!

But that is all I have to say on the matter, I will be increasing my posting from four times a month to six to eight times a month on an actual set schedule instead of weekly putting out whatever I could. 

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you guys will like these changes more, actually knowing what will come out and such. And with the fact that it will be more organized too, which will be very nice. I hope you are enjoying your new year, and I hope you guys will continue to read and support me in 2021!

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